why do I care?
I care because I am also a medical doctor.
I wear many hats. I am a medical doctor, board certified and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Medicine and also certified as Diplomat of Lifestyle Medicine. I am also a 500h RYT (registered yoga teacher). I spend my days writing prescriptions for things that I know I can make better without those drugs. I know there is always value in all forms of healthcare, but if we could change our diets and change how we exercise, we can get rid of many of the medications that are a part of our daily lives. We could cut the cost of healthcare. We could save money on prescriptions. We could grow old gracefully and be active and youthful well into our golden years. The golden years could be golden! For too many of us, the golden years are filled with doctors appointments, fatigue, pain and not a lot of the things we dream of for the last part of our life.
I care because I want to see us be better. I want to see me be better. I want to see society be better. I want us to all benefit from this amazing way of life and I want us to all feel welcome and included and loved and cared on and seen. I want to send my patients to a studio and know they are going to be received well, no matter their size, weight, race, gender, or identity. I want to know that they will have an amazing experience.
I want you to all experience the beauty of yoga.